
Why do I take OSD600 @Seneca?

 My name is Xing. I am studying Computer Programming and Analysis at Seneca College. It is my fifth semester now. I have to study online because of COVID-19 from last semester. The group work is turning more difficult since we cannot go to school. I hope COVID-19 will be end soon. After I finished some web courses, I find it is hard to use my programming knowledge and create a new web app by myself. It is really hard to combine my knowledge and use them in real. When I chose the optional profession course for this semester, I found OSD600 (Open Source Development). It is a project-based and practical programming course. The students will develop open source software through direct involvement in a real open source project. I think it will improve my practical programming skill effectively in real. This week, I started to study OSD600. I hope that I can work on a real web app for a real retail company. After this semester, I hope I would know how to use my programming knowledge in real.